Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Days 14 & 15

Mondays mean a trip out to Frederick, MD to teach my Bridge Obedience class. As with last week, Bennett accompanied Romeo and me.  The one session of outdoor heeling that Bennett and I did on Sunday transferred fabulously to the training building. Amid plenty of distractions, dogs, people, food, noises, trains, etc, she held her focus and rocked her heel position/front position transitions, and performed some lovely heeling up and down the crating area. I'm comfortable calling it a "heel" now, despite our obvious need to clean things up and practice more tricky moves. The action is much different, in a very purposeful way, than her normal polite walking (and MUCH different than her normal IMpolite walking!). I'm not suggesting in any way that it is perfect yet, but she has grasped the concept and now we just need to repeat ad nauseum and throw all the fun complications in there! The auto-sit is coming along nicely, and she only needs reminding about 10% of the time.

I did realize, however, that we need to practice heel position "down" a little more. She is readily offering downs, and will down on command when I am sitting on the floor with her. But apparently we haven't worked it in heel much. I did, however, introduce the idea of a "go around" transition to heel and she is becoming comfortable with following the hand signals without food lures now.

For clean up after class, I let her and Romeo run and bark in the mostly empty building. Last step before leaving is to turn off the large overhead lights. I, on a whim, stuck her in a sit-stay and walked the ~12 feet away, past some chairs and around a crate, to turn the lights off. Not only did she hold her sit-stay, but she held it right up until the point that a big snuffly Lab came over to check her out. And, upon Lab inspection, she only stood up and stepped to the side, not breaking eye contact with me! Good lady!!

Today, Tuesday, was a bit of a gong show. By the time I got home after work, all I could focus on was the new bottle of sweet red wine sitting on my counter. I decided to be a good little dog owner and get some nail trims in before zoning out for the evening. I've always trimmed dog nails with the dog flipped over on their back, held between my legs as I sit on the floor. With some practice, both Gio and Romeo have become comfortable with it, and it's become the only way that I am really comfortable trimming nails. So, of course, the idea is to introduce Bennett to this same process. We've been working off and on with flipping on her back, fondling toes, trimming a nail here and there, with plenty of cookies for being calm and not screaming like a diva when I touch her feet. So far, so good. Until I broke her tonight. I had fully poked at all of her paws, treating whenever she lay still, and was about to clip just one or two nails and call it a night, when someone shifted and something happened that resulted in "I'm really not joking!!!" scream. I have no idea what got pinched where, but I felt so bad. She hated me for whole minutes!! I flipped and cookied her again, and all is fine. But, of course, I'm now letting her destroy a toy and am sharing my ketchup chips with her ... just in case she still hates me. ... Yeah, I know. Don't even say it, and let me ease my conscience this way!

Now on to the wine.

Update: Bennett is SO broken, that she was only able to manage a dozen or so laps up and down the stairs with Romeo before pouncing on him and invoking his wrath. It appears I have another diva on my hands ...

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Days 12 & 13

Day 12, yesterday: See, this is why I didn't post a video of my "awesome new idea for teaching fronts". I tried it, I didn't like it. Idea discarded! Back to the same old routine with good plans of being pickier about the final goal. So that is what we did this evening. Bennett and I worked positions, front and heel position, speedy speedy speedy, lots of enthusiasm! Play, tug, treats, I want FAST and snappy position changes. So far, so good! Bennett approves of fast and snappy, so we're in agreement.

Day 13, today: Sunday mornings are for lazy naps. Luckily, Romeo and Bennett ran themselves into the ground last night during their fits of zoomies. They were both more than happy to chill and snooze most of the morning ... after potty time and breakfast, of course!

Yesterday, Bennett's ear glue let loose, so I tried to follow instructions from her breeder to fix things. I failed. It was a big goobery, glue-crusty mess! Sewing glue EVERYWHERE! I took advantage of the lazy atmosphere to re-tackle the ear issue. Bennett was a trooper and sat nice and still while I clipped and pulled and brushed to try and sort out the mess. For the most part, she was happy to lay on the couch and chew on the string of my bunnyhug as I fiddled with her ears.

This afternoon, we took our training-so-far on the road! Well ... into the parking lot. Due to space constrictions, I can't do much moving heel work indoors. We've been working positions in the living room and that is fine, but anything with motion is a little awkward. This was our first official attempt at working a moving heel. Overall, I'm REALLY impressed with our progress ... and was even MORE impressed when I got to see it on video. We definitely have a very promising base to build on here, and Bennett even showed me a glimpse of the sassy-pants strut she is going to have once she figures this all out! YAY!! Another prancing Sheltie heel!!

I tried to upload our heel training video, but Blogger complained. So HERE IS THE LINK to the video on Facebook. Most of the people reading this blog will be my friends on Facebook, so it should work. If you somehow found your way here and are NOT my Facebook friend ... I have no idea if you'll be able to see it. Sorry.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Days 10 & 11

Day 10, yesterday, was a bust. Between work, a doctor's appointment and an evening class, there was no training done. I was a horrible, neglectful, awful dog owner! I tried to compensate with extra kisses and a shared evening snack of chips.

Today, I started teaching Bennett a front position. With Gio and Romeo, I absolutely adore how they work, and honestly don't regret any of the challenges we've had along the way. Taking into consideration my personal starting point  and what we have all worked through, I regret nothing and am absolutely thrilled with them. ... BUT ... if I got to choose one thing to "fix" about their obedience performance, for both dogs I would fix their "front"! It is my own darned fault that they have sloppy fronts. Too far away, crooked, inconsistent, and requiring entirely too much coaching on my part, even years into their obedience careers. I want to nip that right in the bud with Bennett, and am going to work on some SOLID position work with her right from the beginning. Her heel position is beyond what I could hope for at this point. She is fast, eager, and precise ... exactly what I want from her! I want that same level of enthusiasm AND precision with her front position.

I've brain-farted what I think could be a really cool idea for teaching a front. I've never done it before, and I haven't personally seen anyone do it, either. However, I make no claims of being "the first" to come up with what I think is a pretty cool idea. I'm sure someone out there has already done it and claimed it. But it's new for me, so YAY!

With that in mind, I'm making a video documenting each step along the way. ... And I'm going to keep it secret until we have something of a finished product. Muahahaha! I'm doing this for a couple reasons. 1) It might fail horribly, and I don't want proof out there on the eternal interwebs documenting my failure. 2) I know some people *ahem ahem* that will swipe in and end up finishing training it to their dogs before I can get it done with Bennett, and steal my thunder! 3) The video will be cooler if I can splice it all together with each step along the way.

So, bear with me. Long story short, Bennett remains super eager and enthusiastic about our new game. We had a couple hiccups as I tried to figure out what the hell it is I am doing. But an overall successful clicker session!

On a somewhat different, though still related, tangent ... I'm frequently getting whines and/or scratches at the patio doors for potty times now! We did have one accident during our training session tonight (eager puppy didn't want to tap out for a break, and silly me couldn't tell the difference between sniffing for crumbs and sniffing for a squat). But earlier this evening, there were 2 alerts to go outside! Hoorah! Progress!! ... Now, if only I could convince her to completely empty her bladder in one trip, instead of saving some for later. For a girly that can hold it all day while I am at work, I don't know why she feels the need to schedule pee times for every half hour in the evening!

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Day 9

Day 9 was yesterday, seems I'm getting in a habit of posting a day (or two) late. But I'm still hoping to stick to it and not miss any days!! *fingers crossed*

Last night was Bennett's first puppy class. We had a class last week,  but it was just for owners. The class is held at the local vet clinic (bonuses: it is VERY close to my house, and Bennett gets to learn that she can have fun at the vet clinic!), and the trainer was recommended to me by a lady I met at a recent obedience trial. She is very pro-clicker, shaping, reward based, so that is good for me! The class is quite basic, however, and much of the time is spent chatting and doing ground level stuff that I have already covered with Bennett in the past week or so (loading the clicker, name recognition, offering behaviors, learning to relax, etc.). But that is fine, the instructor seems quite accepting of me working a little on my own when the other students are catching up.

Last night was a lot of chat about the basics, while the other students rewarded for their puppy offering downs on a mat. Bennett and I worked on some shaping of a "head down" trick during this time. We did do a "find my face" exercises, which really just highlighted how well all of our heel position work has been sticking! The idea is to turn your back on the puppy and click-reward for them moving toward your front. Little steps at a time, until the puppy is eventually coming around to sit in front and look at your face. Bennett kept getting stuck at heel position, sitting and looking at me there. It took some more effort to get her to step toward the front. In all honesty, though, I'm not going to force the issue that much. The goal of the exercise was to encourage the puppy to offer you focus and attention. I don't particularly want Bennett creeping forward out of heel position, and am quite happy if she wants to stop there and offer focus instead. I plan to train a "front" position separately, and focus is clearly not a problem for this puppy so far!! I think we are going to follow up on the "find my face" game next week, so my goal is to teach Bennett the "front" position by next Wednesday so that we have something to show for ourselves. Not exactly the game the instructor wants, but getting the same behavior and more conducive to my long term goals.

Bennett rocked the class during the puppy handling exercises. Touching the feet, ears, face, belly, giving kisses and checking teeth. She lapped it all up! Surely because of the plentitude of kisses she received as a wee baby!

The recall exercise was fun, and it really highlighted my background in flyball! While all the other owners used food and puppy voices for their recalls, I had Bennett's plush tug and yelled for her. Racing recall and LOTS of tug drive!!! Growly crazy tuggy praise = crazy fast puppy recalls! She was moderately distracted her first attempt by the very cute GSD puppy in the class. He had just finished his recall, and she thought him to be quite handsome as he walked past. They showed their mutual attraction during play time, where Bennett and Max the GSD had a rowdy and loud bout of puppy zoomies and chase time! New best friends, I think!

Needless to say, there was a VERY tired Sheltie in the house last night, and I didn't hear a peep from her all evening until potty time in the morning.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Days 7 & 8

No time for writing last night, so I'll squish yesterday and today into a single post.

On Monday nights I teach a Bridge Obedience class for Breakaway Action Dogs in Frederick, MD. I normally take Romeo with me to demo the different skills we are working on. Last night I took Romeo as usual, but also left a bit early and took Bennett as well. I worked Bennett in the lobby area of the training building while the classes before us were going on. I didn't teach anything new, rather just focused on polishing previous skills in the new location. The building is purely a dog training building, so lots of fantastic smells! A puppy class was on at the time, so about 10 bouncy puppies as well. Bennett did really well with her sits, downs and "get in"s. She met some of the other trainers and students, and wasn't hesitant or shy at all! At this point of the game, because she can have a tendency to be hand-shy, I'm letting her approach whoever she wants (within reason), and even put paws up on them, so long as she is polite about it (ie. not pushy, scratching, or noise-making). Her "sit" is nice and solid, and she offers it readily, so once the confidence with other people is solidified, we'll work on sitting nicely.

A couple of surprises during the evening: 1) Bennett is not too thrilled about hanging out in dark corners. Okay, so that maybe isn't so surprising, but it came up randomly when a slightly reactive dog came in and we moved to give her space. We spent some time hanging out in the dark corner, exploring, and working on heel position. 2) Trains are super interesting, but not scary. This is good, not noise phobic at all! But very noise curious. She had to sit and listen to every train that went past. 3) Her sit-stays are really coming along, and it appears as if other dogs won't be much of a distraction! She held a sit-stay when a young Lab from the puppy class escaped and came for a visit. Good girl!

Tonight, Bennett had her first shaping session. We worked on laying down on her mat. It was straight shaping, with no verbal or body cues. It took a while for her to get started, but after a couple of minutes she figured out that the mat was the focus and was quickly moving to down on it repeatedly. She's picking up the idea of the clicker really nicely!

I have to say that Bennett's working style is not really what I am used to!! She is a crazy, loud, energetic, and bratty puppy. But when she is working she is very intense and focused. I'm used to kamikaze and skirting the edge of sanity. Bennett is methodical, but not slow. Very careful and thoughtful, but not to the point where she is reluctant or hesitant. For the down on her mat, I was clicking for a down, and then tossing the treat away to the side to get her to stand up and leave the mat. She would do a weird little Border Collie stalk away to her treat and back to the mat again. I could almost smell the gears turning, and every movement on her part was very precise. While it is certainly not a problem now, I will have to keep an eye on her to make sure that she doesn't start thinking "too much" and getting slow. At this point, it is lovely! But I can see pickiness on my part resulting in hesitancy on her part. Just something for me to keep in mind as we move forward. That said, there is some fantastic potential for really sharp work from her! She pays much more attention to detail than either Gio or Romeo do.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Day 6

Napping and playing are important for puppies AND people! So that is what we did today.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Day 5

Today there was a Howl-o-Wine doggy Halloween costume event hosted by a local therapy dog organization, Wags for Hope, and the Sugarloaf Mountain Vineyard. I took Bennett and Romeo, Gio stayed home as I didn't want to stress him out too much after his recent vet hospital stays. Bennett rocked a pirate costume, and took part in the costume contest. She quite liked the stage, and upped her prancing when people clapped and "awwww"ed for her.

The event consisted of a number of local vendors, a wine tasting bar, food booths, and some live music. Our goal, in addition to checking out the wine (!!!), was to hunt down as many people and new distractions as we could. Anyone that looked our way was asked to "give the puppy a cookie". I had a bag full of treats, and all children and adults were prompted to feed the puppy. Initially, she was a little stand-offish about the strangers, but by the end of the afternoon, she was readily crawling into laps for cuddles and kisses! Nothing fazed her at all. Between revving motorcycles, a squeaky windmill, loud speaker announcements, live guitar music, big bouncy dogs, or any of the myriad of things we ran into. She took it all in stride, stayed happy and enthusiastic for the entire ~3 hours we were on site.

I broke the afternoon up a bit, moving off to the side of the action to work on some skills. Bennett is eagerly offering sits in all new locations, "get in" and "down" are generalizing really nicely, too. Once her puppy excitement started to wear off, we worked on settling in public. Her tiredness and having Romeo as a role model really helped, and she was comfortable laying down in the grass and watching the excitement as we chilled for a while.

Despite her sustained enthusiasm and good mood, the event tired her out completely! Apart from the occasional potty break, she has been napping in her crate for the entire evening. Tired puppies make me happy!

Friday, 18 October 2013

Day 4

We clipped toenails and trimmed paw hair. That is quite enough for today, thanks!!

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Day 3

It was back to work today, so less training got done than in previous days. Bennett spent her first full day crated while I was at work and held her bladder the whole time! YAY girlie! Now, if we could only start speaking the same language for alerts to go out during play time.

Our after work clicker session involved more heel position sits and the start of "stay". We're just working sit-stay for now, and I can get about two steps in front and then back to heel without her breaking. Each day, I like to review what we did previously, and then introduce a little bit of something new. Training sessions are only 10-15 minutes so that she doesn't get frustrated or bored. I split the session up with short crate breaks while I worked Romeo. She has to learn to wait nicely while I'm working the other dogs, so she got to sit in her crate in the same room that Romeo was working, and when she was quiet she got treats.

Gio's been sick the past couple of days, and spent the day at the vets for observation today. He'll be home this evening, but on a very restricted diet, so I don't want to tempt him with food. That means no more treat-training tonight. I think we'll just take the time to play and cuddle!

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Day 2

Another day of government furlough, though the news is making it sound like we may be back to work tomorrow. We got a couple of little training sessions in today, between prepping for "back to work". This morning we played ... yeah, that's training, too! Bennett has decided that she is an avid tugger and found a little plush springy toy that she is fond of. We played tug, where I encouraged her to chase the toy before catching it, tug tug tug, then I introduced the "give" command. She's picking up on it nicely and I only occasionally had to crowd her mouth off of the toy with my hands before she would release it. Of course, the reward is getting the toy back! Give it up, get it back, and repeat. Most of the time, she will now release on her own when I stop tugging and say "give". We also addressed the concept of multidog play. How to play together nicely, appropriate levels of "fighting for the toy", as well as taking turns catching a tossed toy. This is just as much practice for Gio and Romeo as it is for her. Gio is the ever-tolerant play partner. He tugged with Bennett a bit, and is such a good boy, basically just holding the toy still and "growling" while she tugs. He could fling her across the room if he wanted, but he is so gentle with the little play buddies! Romeo is slightly less tolerant of her, and there was one minor snark moment. But, he is all noise and flash, and Bennett took it in stride.

Clicker session #1 we worked on more sits from yesterday and introduced downs. Bennett is readily offering "sit" now, even throughout the day when she thinks she wants something, she will sit nicely for it. Down was initially a struggle. She is the first of my crew that hasn't been "lure-able" for downs. However, when I tried the "under the leg" trick, she hit the dirt! After a couple tries, she was diving under my leg into a down position! That seemed to provide the light bulb moment for her, and I was then able to lure into a down without issue after that. By the end of the session she was offering downs all on her own.

Mid-morning we went back to the park for a long-line run. Schnauzer friend Jasper was there again, so she enjoyed some zoomie time with him. Then some toy tossing with Romeo. At the end of our park time, a string of ambulances drove past. Bennett was certainly interested in the sirens, but not nervous or afraid at all. Her instinct was to turn to watch the vehicles and sit at attention. Instead of allowing her to focus on the noise, I instead called her for some fun recalls and we worked some puppy push-ups for treats. This addresses two issues ... working amid noise distractions AND beginning to generalize "sit" and "down" outside of the living room. No problem!

We practiced napping most of the afternoon.

Clicker session #2 was a rehash of sit and down, this time with me standing. Previously, I was teaching as I sat on the floor with her. She had no problems with the change, so I upped the ante and worked on introducing sit in heel position. I used a small wicker box to serve as a guide to keep her in straight beside me and lured around it into heel position sits.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Day 1

Since I am still furloughed due to the US government shut down, I was able to take advantage of the entire day and spread out multiple training sessions.

In the morning, I took all 3 dogs to the nearby pet stores. The small town that I live in has 3 pet stores ... apparently we love our animals around here! In each store, we hung out and chatted with the employees and other shoppers. We wandered the aisles, and I allowed Bennett to explore the surroundings. I let her sniff anything she liked, calling her name on occasion to bring her attention back to me. I rewarded recalls with soft treats and lots of happy praise. While walking, we focused on keeping a loose leash. Because Gio and Romeo were with us, Bennett was happy to walk with them, so loose leash wasn't a problem. She hasn't shown any tendency to pull or forge yet, so I'm keeping up the verbal praise and happy clapping while she is beside me. She will occasionally balk at going through doors or on/off curbs, but she generally powers through with a little bit of verbal encouragement. By the time we got to the third pet store, she was not having any door or curb problems. She was consistently responding to her name and was offering sits for treats. She is walking confidently with the other dogs through stores and outdoors to and from the car.

I have started to introduce the concept of sitting and waiting nicely while we load the car. She has a lovely sit at the side of the car and, while I was standing on her leash while I unlocked the back and loaded in our shopping goodies, she held her sit despite people and cars moving past us.

When we got home, I switched her from her collar (a limited-slip martingale at this point until she proves to me that she won't slip her collar) to a harness and long-line. There is a great empty field just behind our condo complex that the neighbourhood uses as an unofficial off-leash park. I grabbed some poo bags, more treats, and the camera and off we went! Gio and Romeo got to run and explore off-leash, and Bennett enjoyed her first glimpse of pseudo-off-leash long-line freedom. Our neighbourhood Schnauzer buddy, Jasper, was in the field playing as well, and Bennett greeted him very happily and appropriately. Polite sniffs, no paws in the face, no pulling. And when Jasper initiated play, she was more than happy to oblige him in some bark and chase! Lots of exploring and sniffing, found some deer poop and ate some grass. I interspersed recalls while she was out running and sniffing, with lots of fun games when she got back to me. Her recalls are really nice, and she responds quickly when her name is called.

Potty time, BIG drink of water, then nap time in the crate. All four of us enjoyed a nice afternoon nap.

The evening training session was a little more formal. I introduced the clicker to her, loading it briefly, and then marking for hand touches and sits. She has started to pick up the idea of offered behaviors and seems to be beginning to grasp the concept of "click = treat". She offered me lovely focus for 20 minutes of clicker training, split up with multiple breaks for rubs and wrestles, of course! She is a very keen worker with great food motivation! I cut the training session off after 20 minutes before she lost focus or started to get confused, and we went outside for a potty break. Romeo's neighbourhood boys were out playing on the grass outside our door, so I called them all over to introduce Bennett. These boys all live in the condo complex and routinely play near and around the house. They are fantastic with Romeo and Gio, and will often come to the door to ask if "the dogs can come out to play". Romeo adores them and will sit at the back door watching them play for hours. But, of course, being young boys, they are loud, rowdy, and pushy. Bennett was a little put off by them, but warmed up a bit when I gave them hands full of dog treats to give her. She doesn't love them yet, but eased up a bit for the treats. I plan to take her outside whenever they are around to work some focus and redirection, and get some more treats from them.

As would be expected, there is one VERY VERY tired little puppy in the house this evening! She's currently sleeping on the couch beside me, letting me type this longer than intended blog post.

Day 0

After a wait of what felt like FOREVER, I finally met Bennett in the flesh on October 13, 2013. I flew from DC to Kelowna, BC, Canada. Bennett and her breeder (and my good friend) met me at the airport. Squishing that little fluffball for the first time made me forget all about the day full of airports and planes! Since my plane got in late, the evening was spent going over health paperwork, how to glue those puppy ears, and growth curves. Then off to bed to catch a tiny bit of sleep before an early flight out the next morning!

Early the next day, Bennett and I set off on our adventure back to Maryland. I made arrangements for her to fly in the cabin with me, and she was a total dream in her carry-on crate. Not a single peep from her through a 3 hour flight to LAX, mad rushes through the airport between customs, inspection, security (again) and gate changes. We didn't have success in finding a pet potty area at LAX and our remaining layover time didn't give me confidence in venturing too far away from our gate. Another 5 hours on a plane from LAX to DC, then another hour making our way to the car and eventually out to pick up the other dogs from the sitter. Wee little Bennett held her bladder ALL day long without a single complaint! She was happy, curious, and patient through all the craziness of the day.

Bennett got to meet "the sitters", a friend of mine from work and her adult son, along with their furry crew ... auntie Storm, uncle Thunder, and crazy auntie Grace (everyone has a crazy aunt, and Grace is Bennett's!) Then home, potty, food, and collapse into bed! She spent the night in her crate in my room, an early morning potty break, and then she joined me and the boys in the bed for a couple more hours of shut-eye (we're taking full advantage of my furlough time!).